
Jan 21, 2022

This is my first post on Medium, so I guess introductions are important.

Cyber_Noot obviously is just my twitter handle. I value my privacy and that includes not sharing much from my personal life.

“Cool whatever”, you say, “what the fuck are you using Medium for you anonymous internet creep?”

Great question! I’d like to share excerpts or entire chapters of stories I’ve written. Who knows? Maybe I’ll post the thing one chapter at a time. Imagine. A whole book just copy/pasted from Scrivener into a Medium post. The future is now and it sucks.

So follow me, I’ll follow you. I have to start somewhere in order to get eyeballs on my words.

Please enjoy this picture until I have an excerpt worth posting.




Hello I’m Noot. Cyber_Noot. This is not a real name. I want to post the fiction as well as whatever real life bullshit that comes to mind.